Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

E.T. & Kristin hosted our Christmas Eve festivities this year.
The night began with a delicious traditional dinner of ham, augratin potatoes, and the works. E.T. was asked to be in charge of the program and he took his job very seriously!  He had the whole program outlined and involved each of the children with a part...piano playing, scripture reading, or a part in the nativity.  It was a wonderful evening!

Grandpa and Grandma conducted the program and shared some heartfelt experiences and testimonies.

David shared a Christmas story .

Clark played "Silent Night" flawlessly.
When I first told him of his assignment, there was a minor protest, but he buckled down and worked on the song for several days.  I think I got more practicing out of him in those few days, than the whole school semester and it totally paid off. 

The adult choir sang "Far, Far Away on Judea's Plains"
(all 4 verses, I might add!)

This guy did a great job belting it out!

Clark took his part of Herod very seriously!

Good thing this donkey took a couple of motrin before the evening began.  Although his load was light, it wasn't easy on an already hurting back!  Max and Courtney played their parts of Joseph and Mary perfectly!
I think the baby Jesus was only dropped 5 times, lending some leavity to the production!

Our narrators...Anna and Robin
We were sad that Cash wasn't feeling well.

The full cast of characters

We then had a rousing gift exchange game.
It is now two years in a row of NO tears if you don't get the gift you want!
(We knew Cash was really sick when he "stole" the Barbie Christmas DVD from Courtney and Clark looked especially cute in his new headband!)

We love our family so much and are so grateful for the opportunity we had to spend this special night with them reflecting and testifying of the birth of our Savior.

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