2 years...
For the longest time, Tia had a deep, raspy little voice.
It was very distinctive.
She used to love to bear her testimony, and although the congregation could rarely see her face above the pulpit, her voice and her bow, made quite the impression. Even now, many years later, people remember us from our previous ward as "Tia's Mom and Dad".
(Not a bad title, either!)

8 years old...
In her baptism dress
(don't be mad, Tia...I know how you despise this picture, but I love it!)
And yes, we are so grateful for good orthodontists!

16 years old...
Tia loves playing tennis and it was a highlight for us to watch her play in junior high and highschool.

And now today...one of my best friends and my beautiful daughter!
We have loved watching Tia grow up, make good choices and develop into an amazing person.
We look forward to watching her life continue to unfold!

Excerpts from a letter to Tia, December 1989...
(at the time, we lived in California, away from all our family.
Tia was born 10 days early, thus the grandmas were not yet in town, and the mother just a bit surprised at her early arrival)
This month, more than any other up to this point in my life, is most memorable. After 3 1/2 years of marriage and two long years of longing for a baby, you were our answer to many prayers and much patience.
For as long as your daddy and I have been dating and married, we always talked about our "Baby Tia".
On Tuesday, December 12, 1989, at 3:37pm, our dream came true! We finally had our long awaited baby--"Baby Tia".
There wasn't a prouder father in the hospital that day. Your dad asked every nurse on duty if you weren't the cutest baby in the nursery. He also became acquainted with many of the other new fathers and took every opportunity to show you off.
We came home from the hospital on the night of December 13th, just 24 hours after your birth. Driving home from the hospital was one of the scariest and most overwhelming 30 minutes of my life. To know and realize that we were responsible for your well-being, both spiritually and physically, gave me butterflies.
We arrived home to all the Christmas decorations and lights. You were our biggest, best and only Christmas present that year, but you made that Christmas most memorable.
We love you, Tia... Happy 19th birthday!