Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring Cleaning

This past Saturday, the calendar was miraculously blank,
so we took full advantage and decided to do some deep cleaning. 
Everyone pitched in and helped
and we were able to get so much done!
(sorry girls, no pictures of your hard work!)
We cleaned all the ceiling fans, light fixtures
and changed out light bulbs...

The boys vacuumed the couch and chair cushions...

We also wiped down all the shutters and window sills,
dusted all the plant shelves,
hosed off the decorative plants,
and cleaned under and behind the refrigerator.

Typing this, it doesn't seem like that much, but it took all day.
We were exhausted, but for some sick reason,
I loved every minute of it!

1 comment:

clark family said...

Does your family hire out?!?