Monday, June 15, 2009

The Book Thief

I just love to see my kids reading...especially when they are supposed to be in bed!

Bennett loves anything with animals!
He just finished "Born to Trot"

Clark has been enjoying "Faith of Our Fathers".
He unfortunately made the mistake of telling his Dad how good it was.

He has now lost the book to the family book thief!
Clark has tried hiding it, but to no avail.
He is now just patiently waiting for Curt to finish it!
Cassidy just finished "Finding Faith"...loved it!

Haley is not so discriminating. She loves any cheesy LDS novel or dorky highschool romance book.

Tia is busy reading and re-reading her missionary mail along with "Jesus the Christ".

As for me, I am too busy reading my calendar several times a day to make sure I'm not missing any activities, swim meets, sports practices, meetings or appointments.

Who needs a book, besides as soon as I start one, someone ALWAYS steals it from me!


Michelle said...

I'm still trying to reclaim some leisure reading time to myself. "Armor" by Kim Clark was an outstanding one I finished recently if you are looking for another good one.

The Mckays said...

sounds like my family growing up. my mom would find us reading after she sent us to bed. she would then threaten to take the book away if we didn't go to bed. the next morning our lamps would be found still on with the book next to us. michelle and i always got in trouble at school and our books would be taken away.

ps. tell hayley (crap: i forgot how to spell her name) i said high five for reading all the romance novels. those still are my fave. anita standsfield is a great lds author if she needs more books.

Jen Olson Brown said...

This is so funny! It's great to see that some people in the family appreciate literacy. Hopefully, your kids' great example will be contagious on mine. Love the book thief theme. Love you guys!

Suz said...

I love it... I have spent 3 afternoons with my nose in a book... It is a good waste of time! :) You have cute boys!