Cassidy received her call to serve in Belgium. She was excited!
She is amazing us with her obedience to ALL the mission rules:
Up at 6:00am for 30 minute scripture study
Only church music
(she actually gave up David Archuletta for the week!)
Make your own meals
(I love having help in the kitchen!)
No calling or texting boys unless school related
(This is where the other girls drew the line!)
Memorize Doctrine & Covenants 4
Do your own laundry and ironing
(Mom is having a hard time with this one!)
No internet unless school related
Morning and evening prayers
Keeping a safe distance from the boys
In bed by 10:30pm
Extra points for sharing the gospel with a non-member,
giving out a Book of Mormon (Cass gave out 1!)
and bearing your testimony